
Calendar of Events

Page history last edited by Heike Philp 10 years, 8 months ago

Regular EdLC Teachers Meetings are... 

a) every first Sunday of the month at 8pm GMT | 1pm SL Time (PDT)

b) every third Friday of the month at 8pm GMT | 1pm SL Time (PDT)

Additionally there are workshops at every second and every forth weekend in the month at different times. Please check the calendar below.

For non-European members we should be able to organise a meeting/event on one Saturday a month to catch up; check this discussion thread and feel free to add comments on that page. 

Consult the Machinevo's calendar to find out about events and workshops during MACHINEVO! http://machinevo.pbworks.com/w/page/47494320/MachinEVO


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