
SL Educational Links

Page history last edited by Pawel Topol 4 years, 7 months ago

Second Life for education resources like blogs, wikis, research articles, links, classes, group that can be joined, etc.


---> To make this list more useful, we need categories. Please, help to make a list of categories here (e.g Tools Research, Landmarks, Articles, and the dates of the publication if possible...)







Landmark Etopia Eco Village is a virtual world that emulates how the real world should actually be.

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

(link added March2011)

Journal Fully online and free access, pdf articles about various research projects in MUVEs. Also includes other grids. Current issue Vol.3 number 2 is dedicated to Virtual Worlds for kids.
Second Life Section at the ICT4LT site  Resources  Lots of information about language learning and teaching in SL. Many useful links to websites, blogs, wikis, Nings, articles and books. Regularly edited and added to by Graham Davies (Groovy Winkler in SL).  ICT4LT website Section 14.2.1 of Module 1.5.
Educational Frontiers: Learning in a Virtual World Article Report on experience  in teaching Blended class at University level. Part of at the SLeducause Constituent Group meetings. (Many more articles to find from there)

Second Life Educational Resources


Collection of LMs, information, news, etc.

Second Life for Education


A slide presentation about SL for education. Some other virtual worlds are also mentioned at the beginning.

Foreign Language Learning in Second Life and the Implications for Resource Provison in Academic Libraries Report

Stefanie Hundsberger (2009)

arcadia@cambridge: rethinking the role of the research library in a digital age


MyChina Village Project 




Devil Island Mystery Project Christopher Surridge (Christopher flow in SL) has led a very successful University level English Curriculum called the Devil Island Mystery last year
Best Practices in Virtual Worlds Teaching - A guide to using problem-based learning in Second Life (book in PDF format) Book More info here
The Cardenio Project, University of Southampton




A project with the aim of (i) investigating notions of culture and personal identity in SL through a series of in-world search tasks and blog discussions; (ii) exploring the potential of SL for informal learning and more specifically as a platform for specific language learning and teaching purposes.

The M3 Project, University of Southampton 



A project investigating the integration of Second Life and Twitter with a Moodle course for international students: PowerPoint presentation.

The EUROCALL/CALICO Virtual Worlds Special Interest Group: http://virtualworldssig.ning.com/

Ning  Special Interest Group, founded at the EUROCALL 2009 Conference, Spain. Jointly managed by Graham Davies (EUROCALL) and Randall Sadler (CALICO). New members welcomed. Blogs, discussions, chat, photos, videos.
Virtual Worlds Users' Perceptions of Second Life Paper



Susana de Almeida 

José Lagarto 

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal 

Designing Oral Participation in Second Life – A Comparative Study of Two Language Proficiency Courses  Article 

Deutschmann, M., L. Panichi, J. Molka-Danielsson (in print 2009). ReCall 21(2)

Talking into empty space? - Signalling involvement in a virtual language classroom in Second Life  Article 

Deutschmann, M. & L. Panichi (forthcoming 2009) ALA Journal special issue 2009

Virtual worlds, language learning and intercultural exchange


Panichi, L., Deutschmann, M & J. Molka-Danielsson. In Helm, F. & S. Guth. Telecollaboration 2.0 for Language and Intercultural Learning. Series Editors: Melinda Dooly and Robert O’Dowd. Peter Lang publishers.

Starting a Second Life Article by Nergiz Kern (2009), original in ETp issue 61, p. 57-59, N. K. describes how she became a virtual (lang.) teacher (and her first course).
Teaching and Learning in Second Life - experience from the KAMIMO project (pdf) Article Includes David Richardson's report on his English course in SL on KAMIMO (also see book about this project on this list)



Educational LMs (residents can add LMs by using a free HUD).


Streaming Video in Second Life Tutorial

Link for streaming Video in SL



A blog about interesting places to visit in SL (including pictures)

Second Life Resources


Building, scripting, textures, resources, in-world tools, SL in education, etc.



Linden Scripting Language (LSL) portal



Sloodle integrates the Second Life® multi-user virtual environment and the Moodle learning-management system. (Open Source) 


Tutorial  Official and resident video tutorials in Second Life from the Second Life wiki: from basic to technical.
Streaming_Music Tutorial  Streaming music in SL from your own computer or from an Online Radio Station. Watch the tutorials. Very useful (alicia)
http://www.vollee.com/secondlife   Second LIfe on your MOBILE!!! (alicia)

Podcast (mp3 link towards the end of the page) 

Transcript of the podcast 


  A LindenLab podcast about education in SL, a lot of interesting links.

Excellent blog with interesting ideas and links to get going shared projects.

The post Wiki Roles for Shared Projects caught my attention.




Teacher development 10 Challenges & Solutions to Teaching in SL

The Educational Possibilities of SL - a presentation incl links to videos

http://snurl.com/vanceaboutsl  Article Articles about SL in education by Vance Stevens 
Programming in SL Tutorial  Script tutorial for Second LIfe (LSL) including a library of scripts
Learning to teach in Second Life Teacher development "a summary of the things that we found out by teaching 4 sessions in Second Life between November 2007 and March 2008, as part of the ‘Learning from Social Worlds"
BestPractices.pdf Teacher development

Global Kids, Inc.’s

Best Practices in Using Virtual Worlds For Education

Annotated bibliography Resources  An annotated bibliography of Second Life educational resources, articles, etc. online

SLED Events in SL

  Calendar Events in Second Life. Very useful. Monthly updated (alicia)
http://arianeb.com/secondlife.htm Tutorial  A useful site if you want to change your appearance or your walk - for 50L   [Dennis]
  Long list of orgnisations - mostly academic - and instituti8ons in SL. [Dennis]
http://colanmc.siu.edu/virtualworlds/ Articles 

CALICO - Collection of links and articles related to 

language teaching in virtual worlds

  Machimina wiki. Suggested by Dennis. Tks! (alicia)
Second Life Resources (free) Resources A collection of free resources for teachers.
SL Blog - Tip of the week - Video Tutorial  How to run multiple viewers at the same time and when you might want to do that.
SL Literature Review  Research 

Engaging with SL - Real Life education in SL for adult learners (tertiary education) New Zealand 

Play Youtube videos in SL  Tutorial  To be able to play almost any video in SL from You Tube, Great resources for our teaching!
Virtual Worlds in Education  Bookmarks  Nick's del.icio.us bookmarks about Virtual Worlds in Education 
Virtual Worlds in Langguage Edu  Bookmarks  Nick's del.icio.us bookmarks about VW in Language Edu. 
Foreign Language Exchange in a VW  Paper  An intercultural task-based learning in event by Aaron Patrick Campbell, 2003 
SLanguages Conference for Language Education in Virtual Worlds Event SLanguages is the conference for virtual world language education.  It is held annually in Second Life.
slanguages.wikispaces.com Resource SLanguages resources page (now as a wiki) - has videos and papers regarding virtual world language education.
Pathfinder Linden wiki Resource Great Second LIfe LInks
How to create comics in Second LIfe Resource How to introduce fun in Second LIfe. Good por communicative activities. Follow the links in the page
SL Roundtable text chats Chat Meetings Useful chat meetings where different Educational topics are presented. Special Guests are also invited frequently.A site that's updated weekly.Meeting are at 2.30 pm every Tuesday.
How can 3D Virtual Worlds Contribute to Language Learning  Paper  Paper presented at WorldCALL 2008 Conference, Japan (by Ton Koenraad)
Teaching Languages in a Virtual World Paper This article explores the development of a course for teaching a language in a virtual world. In particular we evaluate the course entitled, “Social English for Doctoral Students” that is in progress in the fall semester of 2007. (J. Molka-Danielsen, M. Deutschmann, D. Richardson, B. Carter, Ph.D)
Learning and Teaching in the Virtual World of Second Life  Book  by J. Molka-Danielsen, M. Deutschmann:  This book is based on the first Scandinavian project to experiment with the design and testing of teaching platforms for life long learning in SL 
Immersive Learning and Assessment with QuizHUD (side project of SLOODLE) Paper 

Peter R. Bloomfield, Daniel Livingstone

School of Computing

University of the West of Scotland

Paisley, Scotland 

Language learning through video games and virtual worlds   Joe Pereira's MA  dissertion
Send your essay to my avatar: virtual worlds set to transform real learning Article In TES Connect, featuring Global Kids. "... if virtual worlds were good only for distance learning using the transmission model of education, innovative educators wouldn’t be as excited. Their real potential lies in interactive, collaborative, student- led models of learning."
Applying 3D Worlds to Higher Education



Eero Palomäki's MA dissertation. Not specifically for language learning, but "Advantages of Using Virtual Worlds in Education" (p. 32) has good arguments.
Evaluation of a Pilot Use of Second Life in an English Course 2006 - 2007 Paper 

 Tomoko Traphagan PhD, The University of Texas at Austin 


Interacting through avatars: Virtual worlds as a context for online education & The Business Talking Research Blog Paper (PhD), reflective blog This paper written by Alexandrea Petrakou (2010) is based on the observations and reflections of David Richardson from Kalmar University on his first Business English speaking course in SL. 
Implementation of a project-based 3D virtual learning environment for English language learning   by Xiaoluo Jiang;   Chang Liu;   Lizhi Chen; The 3D virtual world was built in OpenSim for students aged 10 - 20 for a private language school. The idea is similar to that of the "Spanish Village/Mi Casa es Su Casa" or "English City".
Developing Non-verbal Communication Standards in Virtual Worlds (in Journal of Virtual Worlds Research)  Paper By Gustav Verhulsdonck, New Mexico State University, Jacquelyn Ford Morie, University of Southern California
Blogs on teaching and learning languages in SL Blog SLExperiments member's blogs about teaching/learning languages ins SL 
Higher education in virtual worlds: Teaching and learning in Second Life  Book 

Edited by Charles Wankel & Jan Kingsley. (2009)

"This book provides a wide range of valuable insights and suggestions for both novice and experienced users of new immersive environments." Robin Teigland 

Nergiz Kern on Teaching in Second life Interview English language teacher Nergiz Kern takes TEFL.net behind the scenes of her Second Life. (2009
An Interview with Second Life Guru Gavin Dudeney Interview Gavin Dudeney discusses virtual worlds for education and why he created EduNation in Second Life.(2009)
Second Life – The Long Goodbye  Blog  Gaving Dudeney says goodbye to Second Life and explains his reasons. See also the comments. (2010)
Learners' Experience of Presence in Virtual Worlds by Mark Childs PhD Thesis  Summary: The first part of the research created a framework that enables the learners' experiences of mediated environments to be systematically described and evaluated.This was then used to structure the evaluation of case studies taking place in an immersive virtual world (in this case Second Life), specifically the role presence has in creating an effective learning experience and the factors that inform this. The conclusions were that presence is essential for effective participation in many learning activities, and can be further enhanced by learners developing a virtual identity and virtual body within these environments. 
Virtual world language learning  Encyclopedia  Wikipedia page on Virtual worlds and language teaching (March 2011 - constantly updated) 
SLOODLE (SL+MOODLE) case study  Case Study  Dubai-Korea Virtual Cultural Exchange - Using Sloodle to support learning and teaching (2008)
A Practical Guide to using Second Life in Higher Education Book

by Maggi Savin-Baden (2010) UK: OUP

"This practical handbook is a pedagogically-informed text that guides staff in the use of Second Life in the fields of further and higher education"

"The book has been designed to support teachers who want to use Second Life"

Researching Learning in Virtual Worlds Book by Peachey, Gillen, Livingstone & Smith-Robbins (Eds) (2010) UK:Springer
Perceptions of Educators Regarding the MUVE Masters Thesis by Vimani Gamage (2010)
Learning online with games, simulations, and virtual worlds : strategies for online instruction Book

by Aldrich, C (2009)




Other Resources:

Using Virtual Worlds To Educate- PART 1      


by Miriam Clifford, Open Colleges, C (2012)



Top 20 uses of Virtual Worlds in Education

by Miriam CliffordOpen Colleges, C (2012)




Comments (7)

barbitta@... said

at 10:19 am on Dec 22, 2008

Hi Nergiz! You've worked a lot on this!. I'd rather subdivide it with titles as you mentioned not add other links, if you really want to give more guidelines to the ones who enter according to their level of knowledge. Do you agree?

Nergiz Kern said

at 10:37 am on Dec 22, 2008

Alicia, instead of titles we have the categories. To have titles, you would have to create a table of contents. We discussed this with Steve and categories seemed to be the best/easiest solution. The table/columns can be sorted alphabetically from A-Z and from Z-A by clicking on the column's name.

Nergiz Kern said

at 10:44 am on Dec 22, 2008

Beware!!! Just found out that alphabetical sorting only works properly if ***all*** the category words either start with a capital letter or a small letter (not when they are mixed: tools Tools).

Nick Noakes said

at 2:13 am on Dec 23, 2008

Nergiz I have lots of delicious links related to SL, some are virtualworlds_education (i.e virtualworlds_ ...) others are secondlife_ ...


barbitta@... said

at 2:36 am on Dec 23, 2008

Nick!...we'll be happy if you can share them!... Do you have them separately so as to identify them?

Nick Noakes said

at 2:40 am on Dec 23, 2008

you just go to delicious and search for those tags or you can go to them via my delicious account at http://delicious.com/nnoakes

Nergiz Kern said

at 10:18 am on Dec 23, 2008

Wonderful Nick! I had never thought about adding del.icio.us or Diigo bookmarks here because we started out with individual links that we had read and found useful. Thinking about it, it might be even a better idea to collect these links in one of the two bookmarking services. But I am reluctant to create yet another SLexperiments group that people have to join and yet another page to go.
I've added your links but, Nick, you are a member here, so go ahead and add anything you think is useful to any of the pages here.

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