

Page history last edited by DevLink.Garside 13 years, 3 months ago




Real Name 

Avatar Name 

    Who/What we teach in SL/RL                    

Nergiz Kern

Daffodil Fargis

RL: General, Business and Technical English to adults, Exam preparation, (German and Turkish).


SL: General English course, pre-intermediate. Plan to take Bus.Engl. students to SL to practise meetings, etc.

Alicia Barbitta

Wonderalica Alturas

RL: Business and Tech.English to 

SL: Took TTC. Experienced some

       inworld classes.

       Recently launched Business


       Conversation courses in

       'Virtlantis' -Launchroom 30.


Elderbob Brannan

Elderbob Beaumont

Nellie Deutsch Nellie Homewood  

Graham Stanley

Baldric Commons

RL: EFL (Young Learners) and ESP (Tourism)


SL: not teaching but am involved in language learning in http://teen.secondlife.com for the British Council

Vance Stevens

Webhead Link


Pete MacKichan

Pete McConachie

RL: Educational Technologist, EFL Teacher (EAP, Business, Legal).

SL: ex-LanguageLab materials writer/teacher, I'm now developing my own project.





I s m a i l

Horizon Mile


SL: still exploring..


Randi Harlev Imam Ember

RL: Design and develop materials for ELT, both online and print; give professional development courses for EFL teachers

SL: total newbie...hope to learn a lot from all of you!




Howard Vickers Howie Yoshikawa




 Dafne Gonzalez

Daf Smirnov

RL: 1.  ESP (Eng. for Architecture / Urban Planning)  2. Teacher Education (Technology - methodology - Alternative Assessment)


SL: Spanish & SL skills for teachers at Languagelab.com


Michael Shade

Misha Writer

RL: I teach Spanish at the University of Brighton, UK


SL: Misha stumbles about from time to time. Still trying to get Uni to allow access.


 Susana Canelo

 Susana Capra



 Maru del Campo

 Mmvcentro Jewell

 RL: General English Lessons, TOEFL Preparation Lessons, Private Practice as Psychologist, Enabling Computer Literacy with LearnFree (AprendeLibre) and BaeL free sites. BaeL site is a closed site, if you wish to join please end me an email to grant you access. Thanks.


SL: Planning to develop and offer General English and Spanish lessons

Robert Squires

 Rian Staheli



 Dot MacKenzie

 Zahir Tiki

 RL:  ESP (science), CALL, GE (Social science)

Anne Breckenridge

Golondrina Bracken

I teach English and French to adults mostly.  Experience in the past with Spanish and Portuguese teaching.  Living in Alsace.  Giving a French conversation cafe on Virtlantis on Tuesdays at 12 noon Central European time.


Dennis Newson


Not currently teaching. Focus of interest EFL/ESOL


Nina Lyulkun Nagora Yakubu

RL: ESP and General English for students majoring in economics at uni.

SL: Learning myself to move around.



Natasa Bozic Grojic

Natalija Wingtips

RL: General English - adults.

SL: a total beginner


Minhaaj ur Rehman

Minhaaj Thespian

RL - Human Resource Management and ESL teacher

SL - Educational Technology and developing


Michael Ivy Michel Mikoyan Teacher, British Council Rome. I teach mainly adults but also one class of teenagers. I am interested in 2nd Life as a learning environment but I mu just a beginner.




Evelyn Izquierdo Evelyn Michalski

RL: Msc in EFL. ESP teacher at the School of Education - Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Webhead since 2005. Founder member of Avealmec (Venezuelan CALL Association), 2007

SL: Receiving training to teach Spanish




Jennifer Verschoor Tamara Ashton

RL: Business English Teacher, Teacher Trainer

SL: Still have lots to learn and explore




Nelba Quintana Nelba


RL: Designs and develops on line materials for ELT (specially blogs)  t; give professional development courses for EFL teachers. Webhead since 2002. WorldCall 2008 awardee. Writing Matrix leader in Argentina.

SL: neither a newbie nor an expert






Isabelle Jones


 Isabelle Firanelli

RL: Language teacher (French and Spanish with some experience of German and EFL) in a 11-16 school in England.

Qualified translator/ interpreter, tech enthusiast and keen blogger (My Languages blog)

SL: Keen to explore the possibilities of SL for language teaching (Newbie)


Carol Rainbow Carolrb Roux

RL - Teaching teachers and/or children computer skills in the UK.

SL - Learning Spanish:-) Currently helping to create a project for developing literacy skills based on Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussy-cat nonsense poem.


Antonella Berriolo Anna Begonia

RL: Italian SL teacher at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona and Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.


SL: Learning every day.

At the moment, experimenting with some teaching as well http://italianiamo.wordpress.com  (to read about some of the activities http://italianiamo.wordpress.com/category/attivita-italianiamo/

and entertaining myself creating freebies





Dan Roggenkamp Wenkai Firefly

RL: English teacher, NPUE
Student, always


SL: Do you ever feel like you just don't have a second life?



  Frank Stonehouse Lupo Salty Saenz RL: EFL Teacher Trainer and Cambridge TKT Prep Course Facilitator. Creator of Mexico English Teachers' Alliance (META) at http://metamexico.ning.com

SL: EFL Teacher Training facility at SLEnglish on Virtlantis Island. Also, member of Chilbo Community and various SL Groups (DEN, ISTE, META, SLEnglish, TNC, etc.)


Babette Hanson

Elizabeth Hanson-Smith RL: Prof emeritus at CSU, Sacramento, CA, USA; lead designer, Oxford Picture Dictionary Interactive; pedagogical consultant, Live Action English Interactive.

SL: Just learning!
Steve Shoshone Zessinthal RL: Writer of fiction and technical writer for software development. Spanish, French and German spoken. Beginning Italian and Korean. 

SL: Very keen to explore as much about this new virtual world as possible. Interested in the possibilities for manipulating free code.

  Chris  Tigran Tiponi 

RL: English tutor in UK, 16+ college - ESOL,  IELTS & FCE

SL: exploring the teaching potential


Doug Canfield

Rockytop Berchot 

RL: French/ESL instructor, Director of LRC @ UTK

SL:  Owner of VolNation, ESL writer/teacher  at Languagelab.com

  Doris Molero Pionia Destiny

RL: EFL Ptofessor at URBE in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Webhead Member since 2002. Created the ning scommunity EFL University and numerous blogs in both Spanish and Eglish. Everybody is invited to join us!

SL: newvie... but loving what I have learned so fast... looking forward to create, participate and share great adventures.

Beth Collingwood



RL: ESL adult educator currently working in both classroom and online contexts.

SL: Exporing possibililtes. Unsure how sucessful SL platform is for intermed/lower levels. Enjoying the SL experience so far!

  Laura Fedeli  CorDeRosa Loire 

RL: Italian as a Second Language to: immigrant students (from pre-school to high school), university students

SL: designing lesson plans for Italian language students,


  Helen Davies juniper Pralou

RL : English teacher in secondary school France

SL : Learning all the time - a beginner

I can't seem to upload a photo - will try again soon







Barb Sakamoto Lynn Carlucci

RL: EFL (young learners & adults); teacher trainer (elementary teachers); materials writer (Let's Go Third Edition as Barbara Hoskins, pub. Oxford U. Press)


SL: permanent student, I think!

Simon Bourn

Frith Rhiadra

RL: English teacher at a graduate school of engineering, Nantes, France; business and live online language training (English and French) through Englishonthe.net.


SL: Teaching role-play-based business English with Talkademy.  Experimenting with my own learning space at Virtatlantis.

Mary Roussel Maria Pinto

RL: Language Teacher (ESL and Spanish). Educational Technologist.


SL: Learning to have a life in SL. Exploring teaching and learning a lot from others.

Sanja Božinovi? San Krokus

RL: Language Teacher (EFL at  Gornjogradska Gimnazija Zagreb, Croatia, and Italian as a foreign language at the same high school)

SL: Still learning about SL and teaching in SL

Graham Davies Groovy Winkler

Retired Professor of CALL, former teacher of German, ICT nerd and SL addict. I manage the EUROCALL HQ  in SL on EduNation III and I am the EUROCALL rep for the Joint CALICO/EUROCALL Virtual Worlds SIG. I have written a large section on SL in Section 14.2.1 of Module 1.5 at the ICT4LT website.



  Ton Koenraad Koen Antonioni

ICT-E Consultant at Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. Long time passion for CALL. Current interest MOOving to exploring 3D effectiveness for SLA. Involved in AW and SL projects (ViTAAL & NIFLAR). More info and papers here:


Mehmet Sahin Izmir Serevi

RL: Assistant Professor of Translation and Interpretation at Izmir University of Economics

Holly S. Longstroth HollySue Wycliffe


1) Corporate Language Training

2) Live Online English Teacher ( www.cwcnow.com )

3) Live Online Teacher Trainer

( www.lancelotschool.com )

SL: (but it is 'real' too! *grin*)

1) Part of the AVALON project

2) Will teach a Business English course (starting in June 2009)

  Edith Paillat Cyber Placebo

RL: Language Technology Specialist at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ .

I train language teaching staff to integrate technology in teaching and learning.
Formerly teacher and teacher trainer of French and English FL in  Asia, England and NZ.

SL: Interested in French FL teaching and learning on SL
Very willing and excited to observe and contribute to SLanguage's CoP,

firmly believe that there is an immense potential for blended and distance learning and cultural exchanges :-)


Helen Myers



Karelia Kondor

RL: Assistant Head and Language teacher at The Ashcombe School, Surrey, UK - an 11-18 state comprehensive where I  lead regular, free workshops on use of ICT for Language teaching. Moderator of a popular Yahoo language teacher group: mflresources.  Chair of the ALL London branchALL is the UK's only independent professional language teacher association.


SL: Keen to use SL  as a venue for socialising and learning language and language methods  with the many people/friends I  meet 'virtually' on email fora.  Have rented land from Edunation here. Have set up an ALL/mflresources SL group to make newbies feel safe as they take their first steps (hopefully they will migrate to SLExperiments!)  I learn Italian with Anna Begonia in her Italianiamo group on Monday evenings - è una insegnante magnifica! Grazie Anna!  Eventually would love to teach in a secure-for-teenagers SL look-alike!

Denise Kastoudi Esther Verino

RL: French Teacher

Teaching in Secondary Education in Greece. Also taught English in the past. Interested in the implementation of ICT in the language classroom. Just started writing my master's thesis on Virtual Reality and Language Teaching.


SL: Absolute beginner, but willing to be fully engaged for the purposes of my thesis. My plan is to create a virtual application, test it and report on its efficiency. I hope I can meet virtual friends as well...

(pics to be added soon) Susanna Nocchi Su Nacht

RL: Assistant Lecturer in Italian as a Foreign Language in Third Level Education. Teaches classes at all levels and is VERY interested in CALL and ICT for language teaching and learning. Designs and develops teaching material. Involved in teacher training.


SL: exploring for the moment. Trying to set up a pilot class to research Intercultural Awareness and Communication in SL.

Maricarmen Gil Maika Giordano

RL: Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the University of the West of England.


SL: Born earlier on this year. Still exploring the endless possibilities to increase the cultural awareness and linguistic practice of my students.


  Nina Liakos Nina Zaytsev

RL: Lecturer in ESL, University of Maryland College Park (USA)

SL: not teaching, have taken some workshops and attended presentations.  Still learning!

Tamas Lorincz Mash Quandry

RL: Teacher mentor, and English teacher at a scondary school in the Middle East.

SL: Absolute beginner trying to learn, network, get involved with the community

Gutemberg Fox Fox Gearz

RL: EFL teacher, researcher on New ICTs of mass and local newspaper writer in

Palmas-TO, BR



SL: Newbie :-)

W?odzimierz Sobkowiak Wlodek Barbosa

Professor at School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna?, Poland. I teach and do research in  EFL phonetics, lexicography and ICT.  In Second Life I am running "Pronunciation with Wlodek Barbosa" consultation sessions for EFL learners on UWA Virtlantis, as part of SLEnglish community service.

e-mail: swlodek@ifa.amu.edu.pl
official website: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/fa/Sobkowiak_Wlodzimierz
personal website: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/~swlodek/
Skype: wasobk
Facebook: http://pl-pl.facebook.com/people/Wlodzimierz-Sobkowiak/730881500
Ning: http://slenglish.ning.com/profile/WlodzimierzSobkowiak
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/a/599/482
SL home:
SL work:

  Pawel Topol  Pawlus Twine  RL:  Ph.D., lecturer and researcher at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. Online teacher at Appalachian State University, NC. USA.

I specialize in: IT and ICT for humanities, teacher training, EFL, CALL and others.

LinkedIn: http://pl.linkedin.com/pub/pawel-topol/2/172/bb4


SL:  Exploring SL and other VW’s for their educational functionality, especially in FLL and FLT.

EFL teacher at LanugageLab, the largest language school in SL: http://www.languagelab.com/howitworks/teachers/













Mounia Kajjou

Stella Umino








Mouni Davi

RL: Moderator of DaF-community, a live-online community of language teachers, mainly German as foreign language http://dafnet.web2.0campus.net, (website and weekly meetings are held in German), besides (online) trainer and consultant for web based learning and working.

SL: made first  experiences with SL during workshop "Teaching languages in virtual worlds 10". In these weeks I realized that SL is an "ideal" tool for language learning. Now I am trying to get more experience in SL, firstly learning - grateful for all tips and hints.

I'm an EFL teacher who is interested in using technology in teaching. I teach 3rd grade students at a state secondary school in Sale, Morocco. In SL I'm rather a newbie. I joined the EVO sessions 2010 and I'm looking forward to learn more about teaching in SL.

picture coming soon (if I figure out how to do that)
Claudia Piemont
Vivian Arundar

RL: Language teacher (German-native, English, Spanish) online and offline see


SL: trying to be a professional teacher as well - recently set up shop and now looking for students :-)










Christel Schneider  Letty Pienaar 

RL: Teacher Trainer/ Online Trainer/ Language Teacher

Director of ICC International Language Network


Working in a number of EU projects. SL: Learner/ Observer/ trying to find out the added value SL can bring to language teaching and intercultural learning.


Gary Motteram Gwared Morgwain

RL: Teacher educator with a special interest in technology supported teacher education. Responsible for the Manchester MA in Educational Technology and TESOL.  Also the co-ordinator of the European Commission funded AVALON project. Vist our project web pages, or our Ning.


  Jennifer Stanigar  Bonbon Braveheart 

RL: In progress of completing Master of Education - Training & Development

Owner of e-Action Alliance, consulting with small and medium sized enterprises in the areas of:

Organization Development, e-Learning development, Global Team Building & Collaborative Teams

SL: Participant in Muvenation program Nov 2008-June 2009, interested in research of how SL is being used successfully for collaborative learning

  WJ Tang Jasmine Quercus

RL: postgraduated student in Second language acquisition & multimedia, foreign language teacher

SL: observer of foreign languages learning & teaching in formal and informal ways,  language learner

Belma Gaukrodger CyberAmber Pixelmaid

RL: Flexible Learning Advisor at & EAL Tutor (CALL), student in MUV601, trying to explore all virtual worlds

SL: Language Learner, Language Exchange co-ordinator, Observer, (newbie) Scripter & Builder, Sloodler

Blog: www.kiwibelma.wordpress.com

Wiki: www.kiwibelma.wikispaces.com






RL: teacher of English and Italian as Foreign language.

Specialized teacher for students in special needs.


SL:  Designing, testing and implementing Italian short courses.

Investigating  the potentials of MUVEs for foreign language learning.

Training Italian teachers in SL

Blog: http://call-slingua.blogspot.com/ 

  Ayat El-tawel  ayatawel 

RL : EEL teacher (young learners)- previously taught adults, general English, conversation, and English for Business.


SL : a beginner (still exploring !!!!) 






RL: MSc TESOL student


SL: Still learning, but at the same time exploring the learning and teaching potential in SL 

Joël Beernaert
DevLink Garside

RL:  Teaching computer stuff in a large french motor-car compagny, mostly small groups classes or individual coaching, Tutoring. Former Unix and IT network admin. Geek, Dad, and almost nolifer on my spare time :)

SL: Multimorph. Bringing smiles to sl residents, building silly things, learning forever.

Quotes: "omg 3am! I shuld be in bed, i'll be wrecked at work later, c u byeee" -

"SL ? .. and what else? It cost an eye to own a descent plot !" - "What is the next step about immersion ? Is it good or not ?"

  Erika Montoya
RL. Private Spanish Teacher - Freelance.  I've been bilingual secretary most part of my life (Spanish - English),  I like to learn and I am really curious about new technologies, I really believe in its potential in the education field.  Well, what can I say, it is an honor to be part of this community now.   Hope to be of help, too.

SL Totally newbie.. learning how to walk yet.
  Scott Grant  Kaylee (Xilin Yifu) 

RL: Lecturer at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia teaching Chinese language and culture and researching language learning in virtual worlds.

SL: Have been in SL since 2007. Have taught undergraduate Chinese language & culture lessons since 2008 on our island Chinese Island. For information on what we do see http://www.virtualhanyu.com 









Comments (Show all 51)

Michael Shade said

at 5:53 pm on Jun 2, 2008

I found the route Daf explains by the 'hit and miss' method - or rather, several 'misses' before an eventual 'hit'. You have to spot the Files and Images tab, and realise that's what it's for. The alignment of text and images within the cells of the table is erratic, as well - some are Left, some Centre, some Top, some Bottom - how can you control this?

Nergiz Kern said

at 5:58 pm on Jun 2, 2008

Hi Michael, you are right, not everything on pbwiki is intuitive. But that's why I like collaborating; everybody knows something and there is usually somebody who can help. The table doesn't look perfect either. So, if anybody know how to make it look better, please, go ahead and do it.

Nergiz Kern said

at 6:00 pm on Jun 2, 2008

Anne Breckenridge suggested one more column where everybody can write who they teach. I like the idea but have to admit I don't know how to add a column to the existing table. Can anybody help - maybe the old way ;-) ?

barbitta@... said

at 12:43 am on Jun 3, 2008

hi!! I've added the column :-).... pure intuition......Hope it helps!

Nergiz Kern said

at 6:24 am on Jun 3, 2008

Wonderful, Alicia! Thanks so much! I followed your intuition and found out that you can left-click (my guess because I'm on a Mac) into the table and can choose options for inserting or deleting cells and rows, background colour and alignment. Michael, maybe that's how you can make the table tool better. Go ahead and try it.

ifayed said

at 6:27 am on Jun 3, 2008

I found a much easier way. Just copy the image of another participant, paste it in your cell, right click, choose image properties, replace the image link with yours. Then save.
I have created mine the other day, but now it disappeared! :-( I'm not sure what happened, but will try again later after I get the url for it.

Nergiz Kern said

at 7:03 am on Jun 3, 2008

That's ingenious, Ismail :-) And I can see your picture now (it was broken yesterday).

barbitta@... said

at 10:34 am on Jun 3, 2008

Hi Nergiz! Right, that was the way I did it. Left clicking. I also thought about Ifael way, but mind you that after doing it perfectly well I touched something and the rows and columns experienced a strange look. I was frightened to death! Luckily at the bottom of the page you have the 'cancel' option. I also tried it myself for the first time thinking that will not consider the changes......and YES! all went back to the beginning....so I tried again and did not touch anything else. I was afraid we could also miss the participants' pictures.....So, for newbies like me, if there is anything wrong when you modify things in the 'editing' process.....just click cancel and start your 'last' job again... :-)

Dennis Newson said

at 5:04 am on Jun 11, 2008

My image sstrandkorb.bmp is too large and wrong format. How can I delete?

Dennis Newson said

at 5:22 am on Jun 11, 2008

Beginning to get the hang of this wiki - mostly do-it-yourself. Now added myself to the list manually.

Nergiz Kern said

at 6:30 am on Jun 11, 2008

Dennis, I have reduced the size a bit but it's still too large. You can go to http://www.picresize.com/, crop and resize your pictures and save it as jpg. If that tool doesn't work there are many others. Google for "resize pictures".
We are all learning, Dennis. It's much more fun together :)

Nergiz Kern said

at 6:36 am on Jun 11, 2008

Dennis, we all added ourselves manually here. It's meant to be like that.

Dennis Newson said

at 11:30 am on Jun 11, 2008

Nerqiz- It's like shop doors. Sometimes they open and close automatically, sometimes you have to do it yourself! Fine by me. I've resized and uploaded a different photo, but I'd still like to delete the first one. Mmm. If you upload to profile, a miniature automatically appears whenever you write. To appear in list of participants, though, it's a manual job. Really looking forward to meeting you all.

Nergiz Kern said

at 12:42 pm on Jun 11, 2008

The participant page has nothing to do with the general pbwiki account settings, Dennis. It is a simple page created by me and there is no possibility to link it to your account. It is similar to a table in a word document. You can delete the other picture here: Upload/view files (top right-hand corner of the page). Hope this helps. I'm also looking forward to meeting you this Friday.

barbitta@... said

at 2:18 pm on Jun 11, 2008

Keep trying Dennis! You're easily getting the gist of it. Basically everything is managed through 'edit', and the options: save, edit, paste, copy, etc, from the top of the screen.
Just keep on, I've also asked many things at the beginning and will continue doing so. That's the purpose of this list. 'sharing'. Go to the links on the sidebar, and add anything pertinent to them, if you feel like it.

Nina Lyulkun said

at 4:58 pm on Jun 12, 2008

I am so intriguing reading this discussion that heading on to add myself to the list. ;-)

Nina Lyulkun said

at 5:42 pm on Jun 12, 2008

I've added my avatar, but I don't remember my SL name. I will add it a bit later when i figure it out.
It was easy to add the avatar: just put the cursor where the pic should be and then clicked on the pic uploaded before. That's it, much easier than I expected.

Dennis Newson said

at 4:20 pm on Jun 13, 2008

Thanks to everyone's hints, especially Daf's, got my photo inserted. What a CRAZY design, Pbwiki. I bet everyone, logically, looks for button, like the link button. I doubt if I would EVER have worked this out on my own - and it would help, too, to be told that images cannot be inserted, they have to be uploaded and then linked, though one is used to that, of course, from blogs. SL, here I come! Actually I was there this afternoon in Languagelab and watched a Machima (??) film.

mmvcentro said

at 1:04 am on Jun 14, 2008

Hi Everyone!
I am learning a lot reading this conversation, true collaborative learning. I had a great time today in our meeting, non stop learning, thanks for sharing your Villa with us Dennis. Love: Maru

mmvcentro said

at 3:13 am on Jul 16, 2008

Welcome Michael and Minhaaj!!
I hope you can join us in our weekly meetings, I learn a lot from all the participants.
See you around. Love: Maru

Jennifer Verschoor said

at 12:47 am on Jul 23, 2008

Hello everybody!!
Really glad to join you all. I won´t be very active this month because I´m travelling to Japan to attend WorldCall.
I´ll keep checking this wiki.
Warm regards

mmvcentro said

at 3:47 am on Jul 23, 2008

Hi Jennifer!
Welcome to the wiki! Enjoy your stay in Japan. Please give my regards to the Warde's and Webheads you see over there. Well done! We will be here when you are back to continue learning.
Besos. Maru

mmvcentro said

at 6:35 pm on Aug 28, 2008

Welcome Isabelle and Carol! Thanks for joining. Looking forward to seeing you at our meetings.
Love: Maru

IC Jones said

at 6:44 pm on Aug 28, 2008

Hi there

I will join you later as it is unlikely I will be able to make it for the beginning of the meeting.

Looking forward to meet you all

Isabelle (Firanelli)

Nergiz Kern said

at 10:37 pm on Dec 18, 2008

Chris/Tigran, welcome! I like the way your avatar looks. It has such a characteristic face. See you in-world soon.

stevetuf said

at 10:19 pm on Jan 2, 2009

I have been a little bit behind in tidying up this page. I will get to it fairly soon. I have been quite busy lately... :(

Nergiz Kern said

at 5:31 am on Jan 3, 2009

No worries, Steve!
You've already done a lot and all the other tables look great.

Sanja Bozinovic said

at 9:09 pm on Mar 27, 2009

I wanted to upload a photo of my avatar but forgot I don't have any on this computer. I'll change it in a few days.

Nergiz Kern said

at 9:32 pm on May 3, 2009

Ton, Mehmet, great to see you here.
Hope to see you in one of your in-world meetings.

Horacio Idarraga Gil said

at 10:24 pm on Jun 8, 2009

Hi Nergiz, Maru and all. Thank you for accepting me here. Time ago I used to have an account and my avatar, but I don`t know if it still exists.
We`ll see.

Nergiz Kern said

at 2:59 pm on Jun 9, 2009

Hi Horacio. It's a pleasure to have you here. If you can't remember your avatar name and password, you might want to check if you still have the account confirmation from Second Life. If you know which email address you used, you might also call the toll free number and ask for assistance. But you can also simply create a new one if you are not attached to the old avatar. Let us know about your progress.

mmvcentro said

at 8:54 pm on Jun 10, 2009

Hi Horacio!
I second Nergiz words! Keep in mind that if you keep receiving a message saying that your computer doesn't meet SL requirements you won't be able to use the tool easily. However, if you have access to a PC with a graphic card powerfull enough to navegate in SL go ahead and follow our friend's advice. Let us know if you need something! Besos

Nina Lyulkun said

at 6:45 am on Jun 13, 2009

Hi Nergiz!
I had great time visiting SL meeting for the first time. I enjoyed talking to Dennis a bit, and then I couldn't recognize you in Daffodil role. You are so graceful and nice in that long beautiful dress. I could hear you and Dennis talking, but something wrong was with my voice. I have to learn how to fix it.
I had to leave very soon - it was time to see a doctor. Hopping to join weekly meetings again and learn more. Actually, I have to come back to all the messages and learn from the instructions which i have found at Edunations.
Have a nice weekend.

Nergiz Kern said

at 12:55 pm on Jun 13, 2009

Hi Nina! Thanks! It was a great pleasure meeting you in SL. I really hope to see you again soon. Actually, I could hear you fine. If you need anything or have question, please ask.

Nina Liakos said

at 7:45 pm on Jul 2, 2009

Hello everyone, nice to be a part of this enterprise! I just glanced through the discussion on uploading pictures--something I always have difficulty with on pbworks because I forget from one time to the next. This time I clicked on Help and followed the instructions (=Daf's easy way), and then discovered to my delight that I have plenty of company in the confused corner! LOL

tamaslorincz said

at 8:01 pm on Aug 13, 2009

I'd like to join in saying how happy I am to be here, and looking forward to all that I'm going to learn from you guys.
I'm a newbie with some technical challenge, but will get there.

Mash Quandry (Tamas Lorincz)

Nergiz Kern said

at 4:01 pm on Aug 14, 2009

We are happy to have you here, Tamas. Thanks for joining!
We've all been newbies and know how it is.
Hope to see you later.

Nergiz Kern said

at 8:31 am on Sep 8, 2009

Welcome Denise! Hope to meet you in-world soon.

Nergiz Kern said

at 6:54 pm on Feb 28, 2010

Hi all

Today, I have been reading about online/SL security and thought I'll ask whether all of you are aware and fine with this information (all of the wiki) being public.

Edith/Cyber said

at 9:36 pm on Feb 28, 2010

Yes I am fine, our university's is also public and displays quite a lot of information about its staff :-)

You don't have permission to comment on this page.