
Participants Feedback

Page history last edited by Włodzimierz Sobkowiak 15 years, 1 month ago

++++++++++++We are always happy to get feedback. But let us add that without participants there would be no meetings.

So, thanks for joining us and participating so actively.

Looking forward to your contributions in the wiki and to seeing you again soon. Nergiz et al

Feedback is placed in reverse order.


Date Feedback
July 8th 2009 Osnacantab Nesterov writes:  After countless hours - 40 - 50? - and fantastic (and typical) advice, support and consultation from Carol, early in our mornings, late in our nights, I yesterday managed to get lots of red roses rezzing where they should instead of floating in the air, and my very first holodeck - DOGME GARDENS - I hereby declare well and truely finished.( I had never even HEARD of a holodeck until I met Nergiz). DOGME, started by the teacher, teacher educator and writer  Scott Thornbury is an approach to TEFL that believes in basing teaching on conversation, it is 'materials lite' and it focuses on the language the emerges during the session. When Nergiz came up with the Challenge it was stated that people should try to produce holodecks that had in mind or focused on the teaching of particular bits of language. As a dogme believer I could not do this because dogmeists believe the "syllabus" should emerge from the revealed needs of the learners and should not be thought out in advance and imposed  on them by the instructor. I decided to try to construct an environment that would encourage learners who went into it to sit and talk with those around them in a calm and peaceful environment and by communicating purposefully learn.  There is grass, 2 large trees and a great number of orange trees., twelve simple seats on a base - and lots of red roses.  You need a sandbox in SL to rezz it and enter it.I will happily transfer you a copy through your profile in SL if you  let me have your details. (I guess I'll find you all under SLE group in SL.) Eventually, along with other products from Challenge, it will be available for free in Gavin's shop.
June 12th 2009  Helen Myers (Karelia Kondor) writes: I think it's an excellent idea to have the regular slots alternating early/late... I'll put it in my outlook now!  I will be able to make the late slots but will logon to see if anyone is still aroiund when I get back from school on the Fridays.  (Put this on the agenda page .. please delete from that page if appropriate)
Jun, 8th, 2009 Horacio Idarraga Gil writes: "Colección de Cariñitos Hi Maru and Nergiz: I don`t know what is more beautiful and interesting: A Mexican jewell or a Turkish daffodil. But I know something for sure: You do not need neither jewells nor daffodils to conquer people. People follow you just for what you are: Jewells and Daffodils. ."
Jun 7th, 2009 Helen Myers writes: "Hi there! Thanks SO much for the SLExperiments group and for hosting the very useful and friendly Friday meetings. I'm not quite sure of my status .. please could you advise me?! I'd like to contribute to the wiki if this is appropriate. Thanks Karelia Kondor / Helen Myers"


Comments (2)

Włodzimierz Sobkowiak said

at 3:01 pm on Dec 23, 2009

I have moved Osna's feedback on his Dogme garden INTO the table proper...
Hope you don't mind, Osna?

Dennis Newson said

at 1:11 pm on Jul 25, 2010

Wlodek, I am just reqding your comment and question about 7 MONTHS!!!! after you read it. I cannot explain even to myself how I have come to drop out of activity on this wiki and on this list. I think it could be because reminders come to me very often as copies of textual alterations that I stopped reading them and missed announcements of forthcoming meetings. I have just written to Nergiz, though, and am bringing my Google diary up-to-date so that it reminds me of meetings regularly. Copy to Wlodek, Kaylan, Graham and Nergiz as quadruple security that I do not forget in the future..

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