(un)Conferences, SL Events

This page is dedicated to online and SL (un) conferences that might be of interest to members of this group. If you hear of any online event, please share the information and links here as below.
Note: to keep this page tidy and in chronological order, please insert the event by date, the most recent date at the top. If you have run out of empty rows, simply click at the second top row (under event), right-click --> select row --> Insert row before.
Event / date
Organiser / SLURL / comments / contact
Virtual World Best Practice in Education (VWBPE 2012)
March 15-18 , 2012
Site website http://www.vwbpe.org/
Call for papers is open and/or you can participate as a volunteer
16-18 September 2011
More info here and on this wiki
AAUW Workshops:
Conducting group meetings in virtual worlds
Saturday 13, 20 and 27 August
8pm GMT, 10pm CET, 1pm SLT
If you are thinking of starting a group, establishing meetings or seminars or teaching in virtual worlds, these free workshops should be useful to you. The workshops will be held at Minerva, the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies’ study and research (SLURL) space in Second Life.
Workshop 1: Building Community Saturday 13Aug2011 8pm GMT/ 1pm SLT (finished)
Workshop 2: Using Simple Tools Saturday 20Aug2011 8pm GMT / 1pm SLT
Workshop 3: Simple Building for Events Saturday 27Aug2011 8pm GMT, 1pm SLT
mailto:sharon_collingwood@me.com to reserve a space in the workshop
ISTE 2011 VE Playground
June 27 - 28, 2011
Organised by SIGVE http://sigve.iste.wikispaces.net/
This is the SL presence of the 2011 ISTE conference held in Philadelphia. Call for papers open :)
Contact Scott Merrick (RL)
Virtual Round table Conference
March 25-26, 2011
"The Virtual Round Table conference is a semi-annual live online conference on language learning technologies." source: Website
Not focussing specifically on SL, it offers a chance to hear about blended and distance learning and teaching practice using SL and Adobe Connect Platforms of delivery.
Contact: Gwen Gwasi (SL)
Virtual World Best Practice in Education -VWBPE 2011
March 17-19 2011
http://www.vwbpe.org/ 2011 Theme: Who's there?
Share current teaching, learning and research practices in 3D virtual environments. Come and join this now massive (and free) conference on SL. Contact: Kavon Zenovka (SL)

SLanguages 2011 Conference, 16-18th September 2011. More info here and on this wiki
Please ensure that you join the SLanguages Annual Symposium group in-world - 'SLexperiments Language Teachers' group will NOT be used for notices!!!
Contact Gwen Gwasi or Carolb Roux in-world
We need your Help! Join our volunteers team and experience the conference's backdrop! Here is the form
4th Annual Conference – March 17-19, 2011
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