Here is a list of Second Life-related blogs of SLexperiments members. Feel free to add your blog.
Dennis' blogs
Praising Second Life
Grammar translation to holodeks: English Village
In praise of Second Life - an SLexperiments meeting
A guest in Nergiz's lesson - Nergiz's class visit Dennis outside his SL villa
Observing a TEFL lesson in Second Life (LanguageLab)
Interview with Gavin Dudeney (including trial audio recording)
Nellie's Blog
Connecting Online
Frank's (Salty Saenz) Sites:
Mexico English Teachers' Alliance (META Web 2.0)
The 21st Century Teacher Blog
SLURL: Salty's Second Life EFL Teacher Training Retreat at SLEnglish
Nergiz' (Daffodil Fargis) SL teaching blog
SLexperiments blog (with downloadable lessons plans, pictures of lessons, post-lesson evaluation, tips, etc.)
Why I decided to teach in Second Life
Components of a teacher training course in SL (add your comments)
Nelba's blog
English Virtual Community
Alicia's blog
Online Training
Doris Molero (Pionia Destiny)
EFL Professor in SL
Learning English in a Medieval World
Medieval Role Play in SL
Blogueando En ciencias de la Educacion
Multiliterated Doris
Second Life in the EFL University
Anna Begonia
my teaching experience in SL
my learning experience in SL
a little unscientific survey
Donal Thompson
Private Classes
Karelia Kondor (Helen Myers)
Karelia Kondor's blog (blatantly copying Anna Begonia!).
Barb Sakamoto (Lynn Carlucci)
(currently Second Life focus, but not strictly Second Life... so I'll just link to those posts)
Why Every Language Teacher Needs a (Second) Life
Giving Second Life a (Second) Chance (Part 1: Getting Basic Second Life Skills)
Giving Second Life a Second Chance (Part 2: Explore talks, conferences & tours)
Giving Second Life a Second Chance (Part 3: Getting Professionally Developed)
The EUROCALL/CALICO Virtual Worlds SIG Ning, managed by Graham Davies (Groovy Winkler) and Randall Sadler (Randall Renoir). The Ning includes a blogs section to which any member of the Ning can contribute.
Graham Davies (Groovy Winkler) has written a substantial section on SL at the ICT4LT website, Section 14.2.1 of Module 1.5. It contains numerous links to other sites, resources and videos and also a link to Graham Davies's Introduction to SL Viewer 2, which is a set of downloadable training materials for newbies in Word doc format. This is not a blog; it is part of a permanent website, but it is regularly revised. The introductory training materials take beginners step-by-step through the basics and contain links to many other resources on the Web and inworld. The ICT4LT blog is associated with the ICT4LT website and contains occasional postings on SL, for example on the 1920s Berlin Project and Groovy's SL videos (relating to the old EUROCALL HQ in SL).
Marisolde Orellana (Marisa Constantinides) ome thoughts on Language Teaching, Language Teacher Education & New Technologies
Website CELT Athens
Blog TEFL Matters Some thoughts on Language Teaching, Language Teacher Education & New Technologies
Blog Teaching & Learning Foreign Languages
Social Network ELT Teachers' Network
Wlodek Barbosa's blogs
SLEnglish "pronunciation with Wlodek Barbosa" sessions on UWA Virtlantis
Dept of Computer-Assisted Linguistics, School of English, AMU
KiwiBelma's Blog [CyberAmber Pixelmaid]
Blog KiwiBelma Multi-user Virtual Environments - SL, RG, Twinity
Wiki KiwiBelma
Pete McConachie's Blog
Don't Panic
Misy Ferraris' Blogs
Lynne (YT Upsilon's) Blog
You know you've lost the plot when -
Things to do in Second Life -
A snippet -
Patience is a virtue -
Comments (1)
Nergiz Kern said
at 10:38 am on Oct 25, 2008
Please only add blogs with Second Life relevance here. If you have other blogs with an occasional post about SL, you can add the link to that post. All other (non-SL-related) links will be moved to the "Misplaces Non-SL-related Content" page.
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