Information for SL beginners
Page history
last edited
by Graham Davies 13 years, 7 months ago
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Table of Contents:
On the web
Inworld (Second Life)
Orientation Islands and Stations
Educational Tools
General (clothes, furniture, textures, etc)
- NMC Resources (some free and some for L$1, furniture, apparel, etc.)
- Go to the holodeck rezzer (the big blue circle) in the sandbox on EduNation I Island at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EduNation/101/166/23, click on the rezzer and select OTHER / Boutique Ren from the pop-up menu. This will rez (i.e. generate) a shop where you can get free clothes, hair styles, body shapes, skins, etc.
Places to visit
Other documents
Information for SL beginners
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