

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 2 months, 1 week ago




Welcome to the EdLC wiki  


(Formerly the SL Experiments wiki))





We are a group of passionate language teachers interested in or already teaching in Second Life. You are welcome to join our cosmopolitan Community of Practice if you want to learn more about Language Learning in 3D Virtual Environments.  Formerly


Here, we collect and share

  1. Meeting agendas & minutes,  Current calendar of events , Current meeting agendas and minutes2013 archives, 2012 archives and 2011 archives.
  2. Pedagogy in 3D Virtual Environments
    1. Lesson ideas (Pedagogy Index)
    2. Educational Tools (Pedagogy Index)
    3. Readings (Pedagogy Index)
  3. Machinima related for language learning (link coming soon)  Explore Machinevo wiki and meet a great team: http://machinevo.ning.com/ 
  4. Conferences and unconferences (+create your own SL party) 
  5. Workshop sessions and resources for building, scripting and free objects 
  6. Tutorials for newcomers (to upate with recent viewers)
  7. In-world landmarks related to languages, entertainment, field trips, building etc... (index)
  8. Members' personal pages and blogs related to Language Learning and teaching on Second Life
  9. Open Sim related - List of Educational Institutions on Open Sim (currently being built) 


The sidebar on the right will take you to the topical folders covered in this wiki. ---> 











About our meetings

To find out about events and meetings, and participate to some discussions please also see our group contributions on the Avalon-Ning

We meet in-world twice a month. Meeting agendas and notes are here. Find our next meeting date and time here


Join us

If you wish to join our group, you can

The sidebar on the right will take you to the topical folders covered in this wiki. 

If you are new to Second Life, you will find valuable information here.


Members can

  • add and edit text, links, pages etc. (please kindly put a word on the discussion on Avalon Ning before deleting a page, or contact administrators) 
  • embed slideshares, videos (e.g. SL video tutorials) 
  • add the pictures you think are relevant to the page (landmarks, meetings, members)
  • copy and paste build scripts you want to share







PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on January 24, 2022

wiki visted Oct. 17, 2023

visited Nov. 3, 2024















Comments (1)

Susana Canelo said

at 5:56 pm on May 7, 2018

Dear Vance, I'm using PBworks again. But my students can't comment or edit (I'd love if they could comment at least). I gave them writer status, but it's useless. I tried to contact help from PBworks, but it was impossible. Could you help me, please? Thanks in advance. Susana

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